eBook Overview (Click here for full download)

1: Understand the Problem
In today’s digital age, it’s becoming more difficult for parents to
assume the role of teacher and guide in their children’s use of
technology. Modern parents are indeed pioneers as we lack the
common reference point to guide us through the unknown
challenges of Digital Parenting. By pairing built-in parental
controls with proactive behavior modification practice, you and
your child will be more empowered to use technology safely.
2: Learn the Parental Controls
I’ll walk you through setting up Apple’s Family Sharing and
ScreenTime processes. These are Apple’s built-in Parental
Controls. This will give you an ability to set enforceable limits.
3: Develop Your iParent 101 Family Media Plan
I’ll help you create a living, breathing, custom iParent 101 Family
Media Plan. It will help you set expectations for you and your
child. A road map for more digital access as your child grows.
4: Digital Access Boxes
Put it all together and take charge with Digital Access BoxesTM
(DABS). The DABs parenting approach is rooted in offering a
ladder system of increasing digital access based on your child’s
development and demonstration of handling their current level
of access. As they show the expected, appropriate behavior, the
level of access offered by parents increases over time.

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