The audience will hear from a clinical psychologist who not only specializes in the treatment of young adults, he also speaks frequently to large groups of parents and companies about the impact of the digital world on child (human) development and mental health.


Whether we are looking at our personal, or business lives, we all use smart phones, tablets, and computers to support our daily tasks.

These days, our kids rely on technology for learning and nearly all aspects of their lives. While it might seem to be the new norm, there is an important balance for developing minds and technology. 

We are joined by Dr. Adam Pletter, Clinical Psychologist and Founder of iParent101. Dr. Pletter’s practice has a simple goal: to offer clear, concrete strategies designed to support you, the digital parent, navigate modern family life.  

Dr. Pletter helps busy parents learn how to protect and mentor children, by combining basic parental controls with proven behavior modification techniques, to empower evolving digital families. Let iParent101 help you learn how to create those enforceable boundaries!

Website: https://www.iparent101.com/

Email: info@iparent101.com

Phone: (202) 425-3773

Instagram: @iParent101

EPISODE QUOTE: “I talked a lot about “digital immigrant parents” because we didn’t grow up with it. I used that model with our children who are “digital natives”. 

Tune in for this sensible conversation at TalkRadio.nyc or watch the Facebook Livestream by Clicking Here.